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Hydrogen Water portable QMIST

Hydrogen Water portable QMIST


Introducing the Q-Mist


The Q-Mist hydrogen rich water diffuser is next thing to take your skin to the next level. Infusing mineral water with fine molecular hydrogen, your skin can now be revitalized like never before.

With many medical studies available for the benefits of using hydrogen therapy for skin, drinking, and gas intake HARMONY is proud to present to you the Q-Mist.


Let Q-Mist keep your skin healthy


Transform any mineral water into Hydrogen Rich water instantly. Start saying goodbye to dry skin and leave wrinkles behind. Stay Young & Fresh all the time.


The Smallest Supersonic H2 Mister


Q-Mist Hydrogen Rich Water Diffuser

Diffusing Hydrogen Rich Water for Ultimate Skin

  • Moisturizing Antioxidant ,
  • Shrink Pores,
  • Moisturizing
  • Anti-acne

Advantages of Hydrogen Water


  1. Antioxidant and antiaging - Hydrogen Rich Water Provide helps fight free radicals caused by UV from constant exposure to sun light.
  2. Microclustering water molecules - The Q-Mist creates micro water clusters through an electrolysis which makes the water more bio-available or easily absorbed by cells.
  3. Anti-inflammation and Acne - Hydrogen Rich Water contains the power of hydrogen, which many studies have shown to have many anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. The Q-Mist is a natural hydrogen rich moisturizer, so now you can say goodbye to buying expensive moisturizers.


(Harmony offers you one (1) year manufacturing warranty)

  • Description


    Let Q-Mist keep your skin healthy


    Transform any mineral water into Hydrogen Rich water instantly. Start saying goodbye to dry skin and leave wrinkles behind. Stay Young & Fresh all the time.


    The Smallest Supersonic H2 Mister


    Q-Mist Hydrogen Rich Water Diffuser

    Diffusing Hydrogen Rich Water for Ultimate Skin

    • Moisturizing Antioxidant ,
    • Shrink Pores,
    • Moisturizing
    • Anti-acne

    Advantages of Hydrogen Water


    • Antioxidant and antiaging - Hydrogen Rich Water Provide helps fight free radicals caused by UV from constant exposure to sun light.
    • Microclustering water molecules - The Q-Mist creates micro water clusters through an electrolysis which makes the water more bio-available or easily absorbed by cells.
    • Anti-inflammation and Acne - Hydrogen Rich Water contains the power of hydrogen, which many studies have shown to have many anti-inflammatory properties.
    • The Q-Mist is a natural hydrogen rich moisturizer, so now you can say goodbye to buying expensive moisturizers.


    (Harmony offers you one (1) year manufacturing warranty)

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